Ghostwriting Master Thesis: Zeitdruck und andere Faktoren machen es schwierig, die Fristen einzuhalten.Das Schreibenghostwriting masterarbeit von These ist eine Aufgabe, die mit Präzision und Qualität erledigt werden muss. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, einen zuverlässigen Service zu nutzen, der Ihnen die besten Ergebnisse zu erschwinglichen Preisen liefern kann.

Note: Client names are not disclosed to protect their privacy

The Problem: The client was a popular & extremely successful dentist based in california area and was facing problems with regards to his online reputation. An unknown blogger was regularly posting falsified negative and defamatory comments on a review patient’s blog about his practice which was getting ranked in Google search result pages. These negative comments about the doctor & his hospital on Google Page were effecting the business & clients flow was clearly was on the decline.

The Solution: The team at Restore Reputation first of all contacted the blog owner who was unaware that such false defamation was going on in the comment section of his blog post. We were able to get the negative comments removed and we also got the IP address of the ex-employee blocked on the blog so that further comments could not be published. We ran a three month campaign to down-rank the traces of any negative comments that were picked up by several review websites. Soon, the negative results were buried way past the first ten pages of Google’s search engine result pages and the said dentist recovered in fact improved upon his business/client flows.

The Problem: The client was a company owner who was facing problems from the customers that were posting negative Rip-off about the client’s company on resulted in many people revisiting/closing the contract with the client’s company.The client was facing difficulty in handling customers who received the wrong information through rip-off complaint. The client approached us to remove rip-off complaint from the first page to improve his business reputation on the search results and also mitigate the effects of the negative online reputation.

The Solution: Our reputation management team first of all conducted an in-depth analysis of the target areas of the client’s online reputation. We figured out the problems and created the strategy to suppress the result from the top position. We worked with the client & walked him through our agreed strategy to drag the link down to the second page. We worked aggressively on unique and relevant content, website creation, social media presence, Reviews, Document sharing, press releases, images syndication, and online discussion to achieve top 10 results. The strategy showed quick result and soon the negative results from top search engine results were buried deeper in the search pages and client’s business started to recover from the effects of the negative campaign by customer.

The Problem: The client was an engineering student of final year but he was involved in a traffic hit & run accident that led to his arrest. His mugshot was posted on & websites and this caused him problem building his career, while he was searching for employment. Most companies/employers cited the police mugshot as the reason and did not offer him the job. He approached many reputation management companies but he was unable to find any satisfactory results. The client approached us considering his last hope and we committed to help him out of his trouble in 45 days.

The Solution: Cases in which government agencies are involved are characteristically complex in nature. It thus was a challenging & arduous task to remove or suppress these specific negative listings. We analyzed and created the optimum strategy to suppress the link. The process involved creating  comprehensive integrated solution of web portals exclusively for client’s profile as well as . We were successful in dropping the mugshot negative link from the top position and also populate the top search results with resume and skills of the client that helped employers/company in getting a better picture of his talents and professional acumen. The Client now is a successful Manager in a fortune 500 organization.